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Friday, 9 October 2015

THIS IS HUGE and needs to be implemented all over the country!!!

Well done.....
New York Bully Crew
June 9

Orange County Legislator Mike Anagnostakisis elated after 
Wednesday’s committee meeting outcome. In a 7-0 vote 
“Rocky’s Law” is one step closer to a becoming reality. It was 
unanimously approved to post the names of convicted animal 
abusers on the county website and prohibit them from 
acquiring other animals.”Rocky’s Law” was named after a 3-
year-old Staffordshire terrier whose owner Edwardo 
Macedowas arrested last month for allegedly leaving his dog 
outside in freezing temperatures and snow in the City of 
Newburgh for five weeks while he went on vacation. Suffering 
from life-threatening injuries, Rocky had to be 
euthanized. Anagnostakis’ proposal would input anyone 
convicted of abusing an animal in Orange County on an 
Internet registry. They will also be prohibited from buying or 
adopting an animal for 15 years, and will be required to 
register on an animal abuser registry within five days of their 
conviction or after being released from jail or prison if they 
incarcerated. Not reporting convictions would be a 
misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail and a 
maximum fine of $2,000 for each day they fail to register. The 
proposed law also has potentially stiff penalties for abusers 
who buy or adopt an animal and for any store, shelter or 
person who provides it to them. Anagnostakis contends the 
penalties he proposed would be the strictest in New York 

How We Treat Pets in America

In America, the pet industry is big business. Americans own over 86.4 million cats and 78.2 million dogs. The number of households that have pets even tops the number that have children. In 2011, Americans spent nearly $51 billion on pet expenditures.
Pets are a beloved member of American families. Our love affair with dogs and cats has produced luxury pet spas, home-cooked doggie meals, and countless children begging their parents for a pet. Despite the adoration Americans have for pets, however, we exterminatethree to four million of them each year in shelters across the country. We kill them by lethal injection.
We find this perplexing. Americans love pets, treat them as family members, and kill millions of them. Our relationship with pets seems to be an odd juxtaposition of compassion and cruelty. What’s going on with the pet industry in America?
Where do all these pets come from? Who profits from breeding them? Why do we keep killing them?
Where Do Puppies and Kittens Come From?
American families keep approximately 165 million dogs and cats as pets, and seventeen million Americans acquire a pet each year. The majority of these come from outside of formal channels.  Forty two percent of pets are acquired from an acquaintance, and an additional 14% are strays - mostly cats (there are 70 million plus stray cats and dogs in America).
Through more formal channels, 22% of dogs and cats are purchased from pet stores or commercial breeders and 17% are adopted from a shelter or rescue organization.
Pets get abandoned. At any given time, approximately six to eight million pets are in a shelter, the modern, more humane equivalent of dog pounds. They attempt to return lost pets to their owners and rehabilitate dogs and cats for adoption. To find them good homes, many perform background checks or even make stringent demands on owners: a fenced in backyard, an understanding of pet ownership, and a commitment to obedience training and being home during the day. 
Only half of the pets that move through shelters every year find homes. Since shelters do not re-release animals for public safety reasons and for the good of the pet, they would fill up until conditions are unbearable. Instead, the other half are killed. That means three to four million are put down each year.
Given how quickly shelters fill up, veterinarians and pet advocacy groups recommend that dogs and cats be spayed or neutered to combat overpopulation. Shelters, rescue organizations, and breeders seen as “responsible” all do. This is often mandated by local law. Many pet stores, breeders, and private owners do not. This crowds out the market for rescued and stray pets, indirectly contributing to high euthanization numbers. Every puppy sold or given away, the argument goes, makes it more likely one in a shelter will be put to death.
But the focus on overpopulation can also obfuscate the cause of euthanizations. Of the pets received by shelters, 30% to 50% come from owners relinquishing their pets, and the rest are picked up by animal control. The most common reasons cited by owners leaving their pets? They were moving, the landlord did not allow the pet, they had too many animals, or they could not afford the cost of food and veterinary care. Regardless of the reason, if you turn in your pet to a shelter, it’s a coin flip whether it will end up dead or with a new family.
Breeding and Overbreeding
If you don’t get your pet from a shelter or friend, breeders are the other option.
A small number of them have a business model resembling an artisanal shop: they breed a small number of (usually) purebred animals every year. They also maintain an ethos of professionalism and concern for their animals’ welfare; they specialize in one breed, work to maintain its purity, and screen their customers to vet out irresponsible pet owners.
These breeders can raise their dogs in idyllic conditions of sunny farms, financed by the high premium placed on purebreds. But the obsession with purebreds, especially in dogs, can go too far. The inbreeding done to select certain characteristics for dogs, as well as the highly exaggerated features of some breeds, can result in genetic and medical problems.
They range from mild - the popular labrador breed almost invariably suffers from eye and knee problems - to extreme: the bulldog’s large head, flat face, and wrinkled snout leave it unable to mate or give birth without a caesarian section. They can barely breathe and exercise. One study on the problems bulldogs face concluded, “Many would question whether the breed’s quality of life is so compromised that its breeding should be banned.”
The Pet Factories
The vast majority of dogs that are bred to be sold do not emerge from utopian pastures - they come from commercial breeders.
There are anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 commercial breeders in America that produce approximately two million animals a year, mostly dogs. Critics call these large scale dog breeding operations “puppy mills” - a term they apply to any breeder that places profits over the well being of their dogs.
The United States may be already overpopulated with dogs and cats, but breeding offers a serious potential for profit. A large dog breeding operation is capable of six figure profits.
The average female breeding dog can produce 9.4 puppies per year. Puppies can command prices north of $1,000, especially if they are purebred. An average, aggressive puppy mill may have 100 female dogs and sell their puppies for $500 each wholesale or more retail. That operation will make almost half a million dollars in revenue per year and each dog will generate approximately $4,700 per year. 
This is a decent amount of revenue per dog, but it could easily be eaten up by the costs of pet care. To maximize gross margin and profit, it’s critical these puppy mills keep their costs low.
How Puppy Mills Maximize Gross Margin
Looking into the operations of commercial breeders reveals pretty disturbing practices. The cold logic of profit maximization means these businesses can only profit by minimizing their expenditures on the animals they use for breeding. 
Wikipedia paints the picture:
Puppy mills usually house dogs in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions, without adequate veterinary care, food, water and socialization. Puppy mill dogs do not receive adequate attention, exercise or basic grooming. To minimize waste cleanup, dogs are often kept in cages with wire flooring that injures their paws and legs. It is not unusual for cages to be stacked up in columns. Breeder dogs at mills might spend their entire lives outdoors, exposed to the elements, or kept inside indoor cages all their lives. Oftentimes, after the breeder dog has reached the age of 4 years, it is no longer needed and killed. Sometimes the puppy mill owners will have a contact person who collaborates with rescues. The rescue will receive a phone call with the number of breeder dogs and types. The rescue then can save the breeder dogs from death. Once adopted, it can take a year or more for the dog to relax and allow human touch.
A number of rescue organizations have performed raids, and the accounts are heartbreaking: stacks of wire cages and crates crowded with dogs, rescuers in gas masks handling scared animals, and sick dogs with matted hair, skinny bodies, and glazed eyes.
These raids occur on the basis of compelling evidence of animal cruelty. But the average puppy mill is not actually illegal. One minimum standard under the Animal Welfare Act, the sole federal law regulating these breeders, only requires that an animal be kept in a cage six inches longer than its body in any direction - even if never allowed out of the cage. As a result, some three thousand puppy mills, which only meet minimum standards like these, are certified and inspected by the US Department of Agriculture. Meanwhile, mills selling directly to the public, rather than through another seller, are not subject to any federal law, and often to no state law.
As a result, pet advocates assert, almost any puppy bought from a pet store or online (or from any breeder that does not insist on a site visit to see the puppy with its parents) came from a puppy mill. In a famous piece of reporting, the owner of a dog rescue association took Oprah to a pet store. They played with a few adorable puppies, then tracked their parents to puppy mills like the ones described above.
These mills sell millions of dogs per year. By selling pups through brokers, pet stores, or online, breeders can sell puppies without customers ever being wise to the plight of the puppies’ parents. Auctions throughout the Midwest allow breeders to swap dogs. Unlike many Americans, they view animals dispassionately as tools. One auctioneer asked his audience, “… where else you gonna find something to produce you over $2,000 gross in a year?” and reminded everyone that the dogs, “Got their whole lives in front of ‘em to work for ya…”
Breeders do not need to maintain even minimum federal standards: Internal audits of the USDA have consistently found that they are unable to effectively monitor dog breeders. In an extreme example, inspectors found dogs that resorted to cannibalism, but did not immediately revoke the breeder’s license, while other serious violations resulted only in warning after warning.
A rare study on pet shops and puppy mills in California found that 44% of those visited had sick or neglected animals” and 25% “did not have adequate food or water” for the animals. There is every reason to suspect that outside of California, in states like Pennsylvania and Missouri where the majority of mills exist in a climate of less animal cruelty concern, those numbers are much worse.
A Cash Crop
Pets have been around for a long time. In Europe, many dogs escaped their kennels and breached their owners’ homes centuries ago. Mary Todd Lincoln, when asked about her husband’s hobbies, described them as follows: “cats.” But while pets experienced a life of comfort and love in 19th century America, the view of dogs, cats, and other animals as worthy of respect and care is a relatively recent phenomenon.
After the Civil War, as urbanization began to rapidly move Americans off farms and into cities, selling pet animals to consumers became an industry serving the middle class. Attitudes toward pets followed a “Victorian ethic” by which compassion for animals was seen as civilized and cruelty as “one outward expression of inward moral collapse.”
We might assume that today’s pet owners, who lavish as much attention on pets as their own children, are the height of pet adoration. But the 1800s saw devotion every bit as maniacal. According to one inspired account:
The most inspired pet-keeping was surely practiced by the Rankin children of late 19th-century Albany, who turned a hutchful of rabbits “rescued from their fate as someone’s dinner” into a carefully documented kingdom that was reorganized as a republic, complete with a declaration of independence, a census, a postal system and taxes. Over the years, the Bunnie States of America spun off a map company and a medical college.
This co-existed, however, with inhumane treatment for animals not kept as pets. The phrase “dog days of summer” took on new meaning as city-dwellers systematically hunted down dogs in return for bounties to prevent the spread of rabies; Manhattan’s stray dogs were caught, locked in a cage, and lowered into the East River to be drowned on a daily basis. Americans generally justified this cruelty as part of the “natural order.” Man had dominion over animals, and could treat them as he saw fit. The majority of Americans, even pet owners, saw no reason to afford any rights to a stray or working animal.
The first puppy mills arose after World War II. According to dog rescue organizations, the US Department of Agriculture encouraged farmers to breed puppies as a new “cash crop” for the burgeoning pet store market. No oversight or laws existed on the practice. Unsurprisingly, farmers that had been devastated by the Great Depression, survived World War II, and used animals as tools did not prioritize the comfort of the dogs. They remained locked inside refashioned chicken coops, without access to veterinary care or “socialization” with humans and other dogs. 
While puppy mills had poor conditions, the view of puppies and dogs as a commodity meant that they were euthanized and discarded in large numbers. In the words of the president of a New England animal shelter:
"In the past, it was acceptable to throw an animal away, the way you would an old television set. You would just bring them to the shelter and dump the old dog you don’t want anymore."
This was equally true of shelter workers:
"For a long time, it’s just what you did. [Animals] came in; you killed them. No one thought that was wrong."
Pet owners felt no qualms dropping off their unwanted dogs, while pet stores dropped off puppies that grew too old to sell and breeders discarded animals that could no longer breed. By 1970, shelters - overcrowded with adoptable but unwanted dogs and cats - euthanized over 20 million animals.
Four Decades of Change
In 2011, the number of animals euthanized stood at approximately three million, an incredible decrease from the 20 million mark in 1970, especially considering that the number of pets has doubled from 80 million dogs and cats to 160 million, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
The movement to spay and neuter dogs and cats - sterilize them to decrease the population of unwanted animals - began in 1971 when a Los Angeles shelter opened a low-cost spay/neuter clinic. It framed sterilization as an issue of compassion. In its first four years, spaying and neutering increased from 10% to 51% in Los Angeles among licensed dogs. Crucially, the clinic and its followers not only spread spaying and neutering as a norm (both among shelters and through outreach programs), but also subsidized the cost of the procedure - a crucial point for low-income pet owners considering that sterilization costs several hundred dollars today.
States and local government also began mandating the practice of spaying and neutering. Some require pet owners to sterilize their pets or face a penalty; others mandate it. A minority require pet stores to spay and neuter all dogs and cats. The laws are not uniform, but 30 states have some form of spay/neuter laws. As a result, 78% of pet dogs are spayed or neutered, and sterilization is considered “a standard practice of care,” with unsterilized dogs an exception among pet owners where it was once the rule.
The improving lot of pets can also be linked to the establishment of responsible pet care as a norm. Whereas pets were once a commodity or tool to be used by people, a myriad of organizations now publish manuals that sternly lecture on the responsibilities that come with the “privilege” of pet ownership. Online searches on where to buy a puppy return hundreds of articles on the evils of puppy mills and retail pet stores. Anyone posting to an email list or online forum asking where to give up their pet can expect to face a horde of self-righteous, finger-wagging pet advocates. 
With increased care for the welfare of pets came increased resources to improve their treatment. The amount shelters spent on animal protection increased from roughly $1 billion to $2.8 billion from 1975 to 2007, accounting for inflation. Rescue and advocacy organizations have proliferated. Petfinder, for example, offers links to nearly 14,000 adoption groups.
Increased legal attention has focused on puppy mills in addition to spaying, neutering, and animal cruelty. Many local governments have placed more stringent conditions on dog breeding than the federal minimum, and a number of cities have banned the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores outright to prevent the sale of puppy mill pups: LA became the biggest city to do so in 2012, joining 27 other major cities. 
The past four decades have seen dramatic improvement in the lot of America’s dogs. Euthanization has fallen dramatically thanks to legal action, increased resources, and the norms of responsible pet care, which have also taken aim at puppy mills and animal cruelty.
The recession has, however, reversed some of these gains. When we visited the the San Francisco Department of Animal Care, which is mandated to accept any dog in San Francisco for any reason, they described a significant increase in the number of dogs dropped off by owners who could not afford to buy food for their dog or pay for veterinary care, as well as people who tried (and failed) to make cash amongst the hardship of the recession by breeding chihuahua and pitbull puppies. 
A Dog’s Life
America’s relationship with pets is a mixed bag. People clearly love their pets, yet we kill millions of them a year. But the number of pet euthanizations keeps dropping as more pets are sterilized, more people adopt, and fewer people treat pets like commodities. If 1970 marked the high-water mark in pet cruelty, massive strides have been made since then. 
But focusing only on euthanizations misses part of the story. Hidden behind a cloak of respectability, pet stores and brokers continue to sell puppies that came from exploitive “puppy mills.” Pet-loving Americans are mostly ignorant to the plight of the cute, cuddly creatures that they love to croon over. Many of our phones, shoes, and computers come from factories with abysmal conditions. Perhaps it’s not surprising that many of our pets do as well. 
This post was written by Alex Mayyasi. Follow him on Twitter here or Google. He owns a rescued golden retriever mix named Sienna, which is why there are no pictures of cats in this post.

How Pets Survived Hurricane Sandy

Jesse Ellison reports on the ways social media, shelters, and new legislation helped pets get rescued after the storm.
Stacey Carmona lost her business in Hurricane Sandy: the Staten Island salon she’s owned for a decade was perilously close to the beach. So was her sister’s home, which flooded with 10 feet of water and is now condemned. But the worst thing that she lost in the storm was a tiny 4-month-old Yorkshire Terrier puppy named Roxy—technically her sister’s dog, but one that had already felt like part of the family.
“She just disappeared into the dark,” Carmona says. “My sister lost everything. For her dog to go missing, it was the icing on the cake. She was inconsolable. It was the worst thing that could possibly happen.”
It will likely be months before we know exactly how many pets were lost or displaced by Hurricane Sandy. But according to the American Humane Association, some 15 million dogs were in the storm’s path. Multiple Facebook groups have sprung up in Sandy’s wake, including Hurricane Sandy Lost and Found Pets, which by Nov. 6, more than 22,000 people had “liked,” and some 95,000 were talking about, according to the page. And efforts aren’t just ad hoc: both the ASPCA and the Humane Society of the United States have deployed teams to New York and New Jersey to assist in search-and-rescue operations, give out food and medical care, and create temporary emergency shelters for pets found lost in the storm.
Pets may seem like a secondary concern in the aftermath of a storm that claimed not just homes but also human lives, but according to some of the people who've spent the last few days working around the clock to help reunite families with their animals, the loss of a pet can be—as it was for Carmona and her family—deeply emotionally traumatizing. “I’m in a shelter day by day with these people who have nothing left,” says Niki Dawson, the director of disaster services for the Humane Society of the United States. “They don’t know if they can go home. They’re depending on clothes from the Red Cross. To see their faces light up when they are able to pet their cat or walk their dog. That,that, is what makes you understand.”
"Over and over again we hear from people, ‘I don’t care if I lost my house. I don’t care if I lost my car. It’s just stuff. At least I have my dog.’"
Dawson says her groups’ efforts have largely been concentrated in New Jersey, where 30 people are working in three counties. On the barrier islands, which were devastated by Sandy, they are bringing in an average of 60 displaced animals every day. In areas like Staten Island and the Rockaways—regions of New York that were similarly impacted by the storm—the situation isn’t quite so dire, largely because of New York City’s unusual approach to disaster planning.
In 2006, following Hurricane Katrina, in which some quarter of a million pets died after being left behind by their owners, Congress passed the Pets Evacuation and Transportation Standards Act, requiring that state and local disaster plans include pets in their procedures. In 2007, New York City assembled a task force to help with this planning, and the result, experts say, is the strongest implementation of the Act in the country. In the wake of a disaster like Sandy, all of New York CIty’s shelters are required to accept pets, as are city taxis and even public transportation systems. 
"It’s not just feel-good legislation,” Dawson says. “If people are not encouraged to bring their pets with them, if they don’t have the comfort and security in knowing that their pets will be cared for, people will not follow evacuation orders. People will put themselves in harm’s way, and put first responders in harm’s way if they have to be rescued.”
Allison Cardona, of the ASPCA’s Field Investigations and Response team, says that some 250 pets remain in New York City shelters a full week after the storm. In regions that have been cut off from power and supplies, her team has been delivering pet food, and they hope to scale up that delivery in future days with big donations from Petsmart Charities, Iams, and Del Monte Foods. P&G Pet Care has already pledged to donate more than 88 tons of food to help the region’s affected animals.
Hurricane Sandy Survivors on Staten Island
WPIX - New York
For all of these large-scale efforts, many are struck most profoundly by the power of the internet. When Ruthann Vahlstrom-Holbert’s animal shelter, Tails of Love Rescue in East Brunswick, New Jersey, was seriously damaged in the storm, some 30 strangers showed up to help fix the runs and facilities after seeing Facebook posts. And Melody Carey, a Hoboken, NJ, resident who found a lost dog wandering the streets of the city on Saturday, says that social media helped her find the dog’s owner—a disabled woman who was unable to leave her house after the storm—before she’d even had a chance to print out fliers. 
Though Cardona says that reuniting families with their lost pets is incredibly rare, Carmona’s story had a happy ending too. After Roxy’s disappearance, she filed a lost dog report on the website,contacted Lost and Found Pets Staten Island, a Facebook group, and in no time, the photo of the tiny black puppy was cross posted, on Craigslist, and other sites devoted to reuniting missing animals with their owners in the wake of the hurricane. On Monday, Carmona got a call from a young man who’d found the little dog on Richmond Road, one of the island’s main thoroughfares, and Roxy was returned to her family. 
“I have to say, it was amazing,” Carmona says now. “You know what it feels like when you can exhale? That’s how it feels. I feel like we can breathe now.”

Be Prepared for the worst

Pet Safety

  • Keep your pets safe during disaster or emergency



Create a pet disaster plan in case of an evacuation

If it is not safe for you to stay, it is not safe for them either.
  • Know which hotels and motels along your evacuation route will accept you and your pets in an emergency. Call ahead for reservations if you know you may need to evacuate. Ask if no pet policies could be waived in an emergency.
  • Most American Red Cross shelters cannot accept pets because of health and safety concerns and other considerations. Service animals that assist people with disabilities are allowed in Red Cross shelters.
  • Know which friends, relatives, boarding facilities, animal shelters or veterinarians can care for your animals in an emergency. Prepare a list with phone numbers.
  • Although your animals may be more comfortable together, be prepared to house them separately.
  • Include your pets in evacuation drills so that they become used to entering and traveling in their carriers calmly.
  • Make sure that your pet’s vaccinations are current and that all dogs and cats are wearing collars with securely fastened, up-to-date identification. Many pet shelters require proof of current vaccinations to reduce the spread of disease.
  • Consider having your pet “microchipped” by your veterinarian.